Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Welcome to any and all who come to read my blog, Mind Candy! And welcome to myself, too!

I'm no stranger to the wonderful world of writing, but blogging is something that has always confounded me. I've always wondered what on Earth I could possibly have to say (that isn't fictional, my preferred writing medium) that anyone might be interested in reading. Also, while I greatly admire bloggers who can consistently write on such topics as politics, fashion, entertainment, etc. on a very regular basis, I know myself well enough to say that I would be bored in a week.

Why would I start writing, waste a perfectly good URL, just to fizzle out within a week or a month... even if no one was reading?

It came to me this morning that, perhaps, I'd been looking at this blogging thing in the wrong way. Maybe rigid consistency isn't imperative when it comes to topics. Just maybe, it's still good writing that counts and caring about the ideas.

Having this thought as my inspiration, I believe I'm finally ready to take on the challenge of a blog.  It will seem really silly that nearly everything I plan to write about are my musings on horror movies and novels, some television shows, road trips, toys that bring about feelings of nostalgia, children's books (old and new) and food. I probably won't have any deep thoughts or mind blowing revelations. No one is going to find any great insights from reading my blog.

Or maybe someone will. Maybe someone will laugh or smile. Maybe someone will share a memory with me. Maybe I'll piss someone off. Maybe I'll inspire someone. Maybe I'll teach someone. Maybe I'll learn something. I like to learn things!

Honestly, I've had a really horrible year. I need to find some fun. That's biggest reason for Mind Candy. I'm writing it to cheer myself up and entertain my brain. I hope people will join me and enjoy themselves along the way.

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